Title? Title. Title!

Changed my mind, because of course I did. Rather than a two-CD set of 25-ish tracks, pressing a one-CD album of 13 tracks. I feel better about it. Decided the kitchen sink approach was not for me. This rocks from front to back without the weirder B-side-y stuff. Release in early 2022, deets to be bleated (TBB)

Oh, I started a Berkeley Cat Records mewsletter! Because of course I did. Signup is at the top of berkeleycatrecords.com.

Russ Ellis CD is available, for actual! Package came out great, we’re all delighted with it. You can pick up a copy at our beloved bandcamp.

What else? Got my flu shot. Made appointment for my “booster.”

As for societal collapse, I can’t help but be amused by some of the permutations. Parents giving guns to teenagers, apparently is a thing. One must laugh, because.. how?! What level of irresponsible stupid nihilism does it take, to provide a deadly firearm to a teenage boy? Let’s try that slowly. A. Teenage. Boy. Have you ever been a teenage boy? I have. About half the people I know have been teenage boys. Don’t give teenage boys guns. Especially when they’re having emo-crises and yelling “I have nothing to live for” at the world. You see, that part can pass, and it generally does. Teenage-ing is hard, and it passes, and then you’re a young adult. But once murder is done, it can’t be undone, there’s nothing to laugh about, and the life of the murderer also is essentially over. This kid in Michigan is finished. Whatever the legal system does, the child’s karma is wrecked forever and he’ll spend his life wrestling with his conscience and never win. His parents are astonishingly horrible idiots. They should all do time for the lives they took, of course, but it brings no one back. What happened to responsible gun ownership? This is zombie-apocalypse parenting. Some folks should not be parents. Done ranting.

Meeting with my esteemed album artist and art-director this morning, for my CD cover artwork finishing. The title of the record is not what I had said – “Eric Din plays the songs of Eric Roy Dinwiddie” – it is now something else. And by gosh I’ll share the title and the artwork soonishly. I’m rather thrilled about it.

Here’s my Holiday message! Religion is mostly stupid, but the parts where they say be nice to each other, those bits are good. Bye now.

Author: Eric Din

Eric makes songs, records, websites, and little forts for cats to play in. Founder/lifer in The UPTONES, guitarist, songwriter, guitar teacher and music curator, Eric blogs at ericdin.com except when he doesn't.