Content? Content. Contented? Contend. Content!

The last few years have been very productive, creatively, for me. Diggin it, recording at home and at friends’ studios occasionally, writing new tunes or revisiting songs that I’ve had percolating a long time. Part of what motivates me is wanting to create these tracks while I’m alive, as I’ve studied the matter, and I suspect I won’t be very effective at it once I’m dead! Not that I’m ailing or anything, knock on wood, I’m fine, but we have this looming expiration date we can’t know, and for whatever reason, I have a consistent desire to explore songwriting and music production and share a catalog of my various doings. Inherently eclectic, it turns out.. I’m not a resident of any genre. I visit them and play around, pretty much follow my muse wherever it leads these days. So in Sept. I released Bond Meets The Godfather, a ska song, and this month recorded and shared The Cow Song, a campfire acoustic little number. Back in April I released a full album of songs called Street Party – and so strangely, that starts to feel like a long time ago, already! Life is a journey, innit? I’m enjoying walking. Doing some positive, creative things helps mitigate the Overwhelming Angst Of Multiple Converging Apocalypses (OAOMCA) which seems to afflict most of us these days. Lighting candles, rather than cursing the darkness, I am, or trying to. I thiiiiiink this winter break I’m gonna get my second full-length ready to share.. aaaaand, I’m gonna share the cover art for that this weekend! It’s called “CONTENT” in a sort of tribute to how every bit of music and art or videos or blogs or god knows what is generically called “content” in the digital world, and how this amuses, horrifies, and delights me.

Author: Eric Din

Eric makes songs, records, websites, and little forts for cats to play in. Founder/lifer in The UPTONES, guitarist, songwriter, guitar teacher and music curator, Eric blogs at except when he doesn't.