
Updates! Updates. Wow, updates.

The latest episode of the Dark Ages behind us, enjoying some moments of sanity.

Wrestle, I do, with what format to release recordings in. At this point I can’t care about it, it’s just wrong no matter what. Humorous, really! My friends who really do listen to vinyl encourage vinyl releases and they are the ten people who would buy the thing that costs thousands to make. The rest get stored in a sad dust-collecting pile, adding to the preposterous mass of Crap That Humans Made, drowning the earth. CDs, similar dealie, different numbers. Virtual releases are my favorite these days because if someone wants to, they can download and burn their own. Heck if they really want to, they can make vinyl! Get the means of production, have at it. DIY on the consumer end. Why not? Put it on an Edison cylinder.

Some crazy amount of new music is released every day, mostly online. Tens of thousands of tracks. Each and every day. Cos we have these little recording studios in our laptops and thingy-pads and even in our “phones.” You know, I love, truly love that people can do that. I love that I can do it. I’m amazed when there’s an audience for a new artist or a new record by a lifer like myself. It’s a connection of sorts, a human one, when we’re all so far apart generally. I’m one of the so so many persons makin stuff alone these days. Well sort of alone. I seem to have these wonderful little collaborations with some of my great old musical buddies brewing lately. Damon Wood, Jay Lane, Al Marshall, the whole Ellis family, Steven Bernstein, and my Uptones bandmates Tommy and Ben and Paul and Moose and Charles and John and others.. so many cats, wow, all in the past year. At a desk, with headphones. It’s a kind of magic, that they can record a track and send it to me and I can load it into ProTools (still my main DAW, I guess that’s “old school” now!) and do my tracks with them and mix it up and release it, all from here. Nuts. It’s perfectly nuts. And I love it. These parts.

My Bandcamp page (have I said how much I love Bandcamp? I love Bandcamp) now has 4-up and 4-down, visually, and I am strangely pleased with the symmetry. Most of the tracks are done, a few of them I will remix. It’s been a sort of a public “work in progress” there. Most of the artwork is from Shannon Wheeler, whom I spoke with just yesterday. We’re gonna have a little chat on my podcats soon, I think. Which reminds me – Updates! Right!

The Berkeley Cat Records PODCATS is up! Others have podcasts. We have a podcats. Check it out. Subscribe. Share. It’s free. We have no sponsor and there are no advertisements. Though I might make some satirical fake ones.

There’s more, always more, so much more, but that’s it for now, I’m out for a walk in the woods.

Author: Eric Din

Eric makes songs, records, websites, and little forts for cats to play in. Founder/lifer in The UPTONES, guitarist, songwriter, guitar teacher and music curator, Eric blogs at except when he doesn't.