In Defense Of Cold Pizza In The Candy House

I have an affection for cold pizza that must be attributable to favorable memories. Pizza is band food, college food, party food, food young people enjoy together with or without beers.  After the gig or party or session or thing, if one had the sense to close the box, 12 or 18 hours later, at room temperature, with or without a hangover, the cold pizza can be a great blessing. You’re ready for a bite, you open the box, Eureka, two slices remain, it’s just you and the room and your itinerary and a quick lunch or 3AM snack and off you go.  Peppers, garlic, cheese, tomato sauce, a crust which New Yorkers scoff at but will eat under the circumstances, maybe some pepperoni or sausage and you’re hungry – you’ve worked or gigged or partied or all of these, and this, this is the most welcome deliciousness in all of culinary anything in the right moment.

Ordering books, while savoring cold pizza from last night’s in-hotel dinner from Pizzeria San Marco in Lübeck.  Ordered The Candy House by Jennifer Egan.  Several of my friends have mentioned this novel to me since she apparently mentions The UpTones in the story, and said friends recommend the book highly, and only now am I getting around to it.  Why? Reading glasses.  I have reading glasses now and.. Well I can read, with them!

Pre-ordered also the new second edition of In Defense Of Ska by Aaron Carnes. I have his 1st edition, found it a wildly fun and informative read, and this obsessed defender of ska has gone and made an expanded edition.  The UpTones are part of that story, and in the course of interviews with Mr. Carnes we became pals and I also reconnected with some other peeps from my distant cold-pizza-gigging past as a result of his efforts and research.

Now equipped with fresh reading glasses yes, I am reading books again, not exclusively reading on my computer as I have done for the last decade or so. Progress. I promise I’ll also read some books that don’t involve the UpTones! And maybe heat the pizza, but no promises there.

Finishing an amazing vaca with adventures with friends and family, and I’ll share more about this when I get home, including a bunch of photos.

Guten Abend, and bon appétit

Author: Eric Din

Eric makes songs, records, websites, and little forts for cats to play in. Founder/lifer in The UpTones, guitarist, songwriter, and music curator, Eric blogs at except when he doesn't.