Ranty McRantface Loves Football

Today they play the sport where they crash into each other with their heads. You can’t get across town in Berkeley on game days, because so many people enjoy watching young men giving each other concussions. Our higher learning institutions are happy to host the very intelligent running at each other with their heads business. It’s a family affair. We gather in the blazing sun to drink beer and watch young men crash into each other with their heads. I mean, why wouldn’t you, if you could? Dress up in a padded suit with a helmet in 90° heat and charge at each other and crash your heads together repeatedly? I can see no downside to it. The spectacle is made complete by young women in the sidelines dancing and cheering on the young men, as they bash their heads together. Concussions are awesome, and we celebrate, with beer. Colleges wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t smart. Some of the boys, if they are really good at this, and their knees still work, go on to play in the NFL. Where they’re paid lots of money to crash into each other even harder, until their bodies are destroyed and they spend their retirements trying to manage chronic pain, opioid addiction and brain damage. It’s totally awesome. If it wasn’t totally awesome, why would Americans love it? It’s the number one thing. Our single largest entertainment product. It’s nothing new, but today, I see people flocking to the stadium, old and young alike, with their “Bears” gear and I think, how wonderful that we have such a grand tradition. We should expand on it. It should just be the way we greet each other in public. Just straight run at each other and crash into each other with our heads. Then we can be even smarter. Because obviously this is smart. Or we wouldn’t do it. We certainly wouldn’t encourage young men to do it, at our universities, where we do the smart-being. It’s so wonderful, that today, I’m taking a shortcut, because I want to join the fun. I’ve purchased a six-pack of Budweiser and Hank Williams Jr.’s entire catalog to play while beating myself over the head with a mallet. Hey, when I get into something, I tend to go large. I want to be part of this. I’ve avoided this piece of American culture for too long. If only I had a son, I would encourage him to play football and tell him he’ll never be worth anything if he doesn’t win State, like the asshole drunk dad in Friday Night Lights. It’s the life for me now, I don’t know why I missed it. The new game is streamlined, however. To hell with these safety measures they keep talking about, trying to make the game less dangerous. Bunch of pussies. In the new version, the players will all have mallets and clobber themselves mercilessly until they’re passed out or dead. We need to stop coddling these boys. They need to man up and beat themselves to death. I’m excited about the possibilities. We’ll sell a lot of beer. Think of the cheers you could write for that! “RA! RA! SIS BOOM DIE! DIE! DIE!” It can’t miss. Sponsors will firehose money at this. Branded mallets will be the rage. You wont be able to go anywhere without seeing young men diligently beating themselves over the head, perfecting their technique. It’s Football Plus. Football distilled to its essence. Simplified, perfected. Girls can get into the act, too. No more gender bias in New Football, no. Anyone can beat themself over the head with a mallet. We’ll sing the national anthem and then just start right in a’self-clobberin’ and save a lot of hassle and time, not having to mess with helmets and medics and all that snowflakey nonsense. A more advanced player can simply behead himself, as his beloved coach yells, “PLAY THROUGH THE PAIN!” and the drunk dad bellows, “THIS IS IT, SON! YOUR MOMENT OF GLORY! IT WILL NEVER GET BETTER THAN THIS!”

Out of the Outback, with The UpTones and Berkeley Cat Records

What did I do this summer? Oh, I started a record label! Here’s the true story. In 2015 I start recording some songs of my own, and releasing them online in Bandcamp and to the streaming services thru Distrokid. Now, when you put stuff out through Distrokid, they assign a unique number which becomes your default label name. Mine was “676723 Records DK” and that was fine for a few releases, but at a certain point I wasn’t having it and wanted to name my label. So I upgraded my Distrokiddie and set out to come up with a good name. I asked on FB and crowd-sourced for fun, and some really cool and creative names came in! But I didn’t feel any of them enough and I was flummoxed and stopped thinking about it for a while.

Berkeley Cat Records popped into my head one day and I knew instantly that was it. I immediately called Shannon Wheeler and asked can he draw me a cat, sleeping in a circle as they do, on a record player? Done, couple days later he sends me the logo and voila, a label is born.

What does a record label do in 2019 and beyond? Well for me, we upload stuff. I don’t want to print CDs or vinyl because it’s a hassle and we cats must have our naps. Besides, “hard product” is very hard to sell if you’re not on tour, and I’m not on tour, and touring costs a lot and because naps. The basements and mom’s attics of the world are filled with boxes of CDs and LPs from artists who pressed ’em up with high hopes. I don’t have storage space for that.

Do I miss physical media? Am I nostalgic for it? Well, yes. But the wonderful thing about digital product is that it doesn’t exist. I mean it does but it doesn’t. It is created on-demand only when someone wants it. And there’s no shrink-wrapped chunks of plastic to eventually choke some poor dolphins.

The song that made me want to make my own label is “I Can See It Now.” Not sure why, but that was it. And I’ll release whatever of my own stuff thru Berkeley Cat that I feel inspired to, and I don’t know exactly what all that’ll be! Which I find entertaining and exciting.

More recently, my UpTones mates and I were talking about re-releasing some of our early stuff, which has never been on iTunes or even on CD. Just vinyl and cassette. So this record, OUTBACK, a six-song puppy from 1986, we re-mastered and got ready and now it’s coming out. Rescued from the oblivions of time.

Paul Jackson took his original cassette artwork – which was a photo of a painting of his – and recombobulated it into the new cover image. Paul also joined me at Coast Mastering for the transfer from analog and mastering job, which, was a bit suspenseful at first! Will this work, we wondered? Worked beautifully by the sure hand of Michael Romanowski, record mastering master.

A rare Paul and Din sighting, clearly up to no good

After this appointment, Mr. Jackson and I repaired to the Missouri Lounge for pints. It’s right by Fantasy Studios, where Michael now has the room which was the legendary Studio C. Studio C was also one of the first rooms the UpTones recorded in 1983, and by gosh I have some tapes from those sessions which I hope/plan to release by and by. It’s a bit more of an endeavor because they need to be mixed.

Sitting in the lounge there as countless other musicians have done pre- and post- sessions in the Fantasy building, we reminisced a bit and howling laughter ensued. And, we agreed that after getting OUTBACK out into the wilds, we’d revisit some other material we’ve made, within and without the UpTones, and release that too. Why not?

There are also a few records in the brewing that I didn’t make, that friends of mine made, or are making, which also will likely come out on Berkeley Cat! I have to remain mysterious about these for now, but dang, I am thrilled about it.

Buy the OUTBACK! Share the OUTBACK. Pick up a Berkeley Cat Records two-tone coffee mug. Follow us in the Facebonk. It’s all on our site:


Thank you! And Happy Caturday.

Caturday Music Musings

Saw a few wonderful concerts recently. One was at the Piedmont Cemetery, a rather magical event they do once a year on Solstice, that Sarah Cahill describes here. It’s a wander-about, with performers in the various nooks and corners of the vast and ornate Julia Morgan indoor/outdoor maze that is the Chapel of the Chimes. A highlight for me was hearing Paul Dresher‘s group and meeting him briefly afterward. I took a guitar lesson from Mr. Dresher at Cazadero when I was 12 or so, and my dad flipped out when he learned this way back then, as he had mad respect for Paul as a composer. And now, I do too! Full circle. Also heard the aforementioned Cahill and she was magnificent. And numerous other great musicians whose names I didn’t note, during the wandering about.

Another was just this week – a house concert in the Berkeley hills with Jonathan Segel of Camper Van Beethoven fame. I love his songs. And I so admire anyone who can step up to the mic with just a guitar and perform solo, which he did brilliantly. It’s sooooo different from performing with a band. No net. I keep saying I’ll try it but then I don’t. Maybe now I will, inspired by Mr. Segel. Damn you, sir. Ah, but he was joined by the magnificent Kelly Atkins, who sang harmony on some tunes, so he didn’t have to carry the whole set alone! Their voices blended like angels.

What else? Charlie Hunter and vocalist Lucy Woodward, at the Ivy Room a coupla weeks ago. Oh. My. Word. Charlie’s a lifelong friend and one of my favorite guitarists, and I really love this episode in his ever-changing musical adventures. Lucy’s voice and stage presence with Charlie and drummer Doug Belote was a winning combo. Check ’em on out.

Also last weekend, rock in peace blowout concert for Keystone Freddie. Freddie Hererra was a huge friend to music fans, the music scene, and musicians. As a Berkeley kid I used to walk by the Keystone and look at the band names on the marquee, thinking, “someday!” Someday came and it was our “home” club if you will, from when the UpTones got started until they closed. Of course the talent lineup at his memorial show was absolutely stellar, and it was great to see some friends from, wow, twenty and thirty years ago. There’s a nice write-up about the event and Freddie here.

Did I forget anything? Of course I did! Happy Caturday.

Always For A Moment

Haven’t posted here in a while! Been busy. Here’s my latest song, hot off the presses. Hope you enjoy! It’s a free download or you can buy it if you like. Please feel free to share this any ol’ which-way ya care to. This is me on guitar and vocals and bass, Michael Urbano on drums. Michael Rosen recorded and mixed it at his studio. Myles Boisen mastered it up. Shannon Wheeler drew the cover. These gents all did such beautiful work, and I’m so very grateful to them. Happens to be ready on this holiday, so, I’m glad to share this today! <3

Matt Jaffe – "Blast Off" Full Album Is Out!

Well look who’s here! The full album version of Matt Jaffe’s debut, produced by Matthew King Kaufman with yours truly on guitar, has finally been released into the wild. This was a really fun record to make, and it’s a wonderful listen. I have bleated often about what a great songwriter this kid is. Here’s why! Also, Alex Coltharp and Sammie Fisher, what a scorching rhythm section. Yep, it was a slice! Listening now brings the moments back. Matt J and I both played guitar on everything here except the title track, which Matt produced solo at his home studio. Blast Off, babies! On iTunes and Spotify and probably other wabbit holes I am sure.

Looking Backward

If a company has a failed product or campaign they do an “autopsy” to try and understand what happened in the hope of not repeating mistakes. I don’t know if the Democratic Party has done this intelligently regarding 2016. I try not to dwell on this, and we need to look forward, but I’ll tell you my take for what it’s worth. I say this as one citizen with one voice, and in a democracy one voice is important, and out of many we are one, and all that good stuff.

I think the Clinton campaign should have put Bernie Sanders on the ticket as VP / running mate and Sanders should have accepted. The progressive / left of which I am definitely a part, would have voted along with more mainstream middle-right voters, and the Dem ticket would have won in a landslide. Instead, they put Tim Kaine on the ticket. I actually had to look this up just now, because I couldn’t even remember the guy’s name. A potato would have been more exciting. They didn’t even ask Bernie, did they?

The progressive / left was utterly demoralized and disgusted by the way the Sanders campaign was torpedoed, and that led some people to stay home or vote 3rd party. There’s little room for that in a gerrymandered system with the Electoral College and “Citizens United” (Orwellian double-speak at its finest), and CNN pointing its damn camera at the “reality TV” clown’s podium for hours, talking about his stupid ass while WAITING for him to speak. Yes, and they did this while Bernie Sanders rallies were taking place simultaneously with overflow crowds everywhere he went, and he went basically everywhere. The Clinton campaign ignored states they thought they had in the bag, not realizing the populist mood and desperation of people who wanted to vote for anything that said “Wall Street bad, Main street good!” which Bernie Sanders said and meant, and the orange buffoon said and did not mean.

Autopsy: the Clinton campaign won the popular vote by nearly three million. Three million. Three million living breathing human citizens of this beautiful country, correctly voted against this disaster, and their votes did not elect the president because of the Electoral College, which was written to placate goddamn slaveowners a century and a half ago. I congratulate Clinton on her win, she would have been a decent president, possibly a great one, who knows? Would she have leaned into her more humanist tendencies, or her more hawkish ones? We will never know. We do know she is qualified for that office, and that the current infestation of the white house is most definitely not. She’s over-qualified for god’s sake, what were people missing? A two term senator, Secretary of State, oh, and she lived in the white house for 8 years and was deeply involved in policy at the highest level the whole time. I actually can understand why her campaign might have thought there was no way the raging orange walking lobotomy could possibly defeat her, because that was a rational conclusion to make!

What happened was irrational. Autopsy not easy to perform. There are so many pieces to it, and not one of us is privy to all of the relevant information. No one can see the whole picture. We can try, though, and by doing so we may learn some helpful things.

We know now that Russians were poking away at our social networks, riling people up to increase angers and divisions that were already there. We don’t know how much of an effect that had.

We also don’t know what sort of blackmail the ridiculous commander in chief is vulnerable to from his extensive ties to Russian mobsters, but we do see him passionately servicing Vladimir Putin with his mouth. Putin won. He’s loving this. He’s been working on this since the Cold War. Yet people in this country, American citizens, are still howling “Make America great!” even as our attempt at civil government of the people by the people for the people is put in its worst peril since the Civil War, by their traitorous babbling hero. I have no doubt the remaining “MAGA” crowd really does think they’re patriots. Though they have become the opposite.

Silver linings. What are they? This sure is one immense and horrible dark cloud. What flowers are growing from this biblical turd? Well, for one thing, women are running for office in record numbers. Also, early special elections in 2018 have shown a strong trend flipping Blue, even in some historically beet-Red districts. This is good.

And bless their sweet hearts, a group of high school kids from Florida, motivated by unimaginable grief, have stepped up with unity, courage, inclusiveness and eloquence, and they are great. They are America, and they are great.

Make America great “again” is a non-starter. That’s more Orwellian double-speak. What “MAGA” means is bring back white supremacy, do not go forward, oppress people of color, women and LGBT folks, build walls, be afraid, hate and close your mind and be limited, uninformed and miserable. Who really wants that? Thankfully the vast majority of us do not.

I voted for Hillary Rodham Clinton after strongly supporting Bernie Sanders in the primary. For my part of the autopsy, I would like to be able to say I campaigned hard for Clinton, but I did not. On election day I walked to my polling place and had a Star Wars “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” moment. As I waited in line I thought, “damn, couldn’t I have put in an afternoon of cold-calling swing voters, or something?” Because I did almost nothing. Before, in the primary, I helped raise over $3,500 for the Sanders campaign, and a number of people told me my early posts about Bernie made them look closer and get onboard. Then it became this huge groundswell I had a small role in creating, and I was proud of that.

After the Bernie wing was amputated, discussions among some of my friends got ugly. I put it aside. I couldn’t grieve it much. I wrote it off to politics as usual and said, OK, now I’ll vote for Clinton. And to my dismay, I got some really harsh blowback from that! Yes, in fact someone even called me a “Good German” for going along with it. That’s funny of course because I am half German! But I was taken aback. An intellectual, a person I know to be educated and smart, and for all I knew, kind and thoughtful, saw fit to equate my public declaration that I was voting for the Dem candidate and not a 3rd party, and that I was not writing in Bernie, she figured this made me a “Good German.” Or at least, she was willing to say that at the time, to make her point. I wonder, looking back, whether our discussions were or were not, in subtle or not so subtle ways, affected by nefarious actors and bots? Regardless, I walked away. I gave it some minimal effort but after a few interactions like that I just said to hell with it, Clinton will win, business as usual, I’ll vote like I always do and hopefully get another Bernie type opportunity later, done. So. Autopsy. It was not business as usual at all, and by the time I got that “bad feeling” on election day there was no way to move the needle.

Move the needle. That’s what democracy involves, right? You show up, you can do something. You don’t show up, others will do something. I write my little autopsy not to beat myself or anyone else up, just to observe. Maybe someone who reads this maybe shared some of my experiences, and may gain some insight from it. Why do I write this? Maybe because I’ve thought about it a lot. I really was bewildered by much of what happened in the last few years. Starting with the GOP treatment of president Obama. I mean, why? He was a great centrist corporate-friendly middle-of-the-road nice extremely smart family man whom they opposed on every single issue because of one thing. One thing. I didn’t think they would do that. Not so extremely and blatantly. It was heartbreaking and horrible. Rather than show us we have gone beyond racism, Barack Obama’s presidency revealed that the GOP is racist to its core. Or at least, they are willing to play to the racist part of their base, which is functionally the same as being racist. And now, you know, a white supremacist in the white house who screws around on his wife and brags about assaulting women and is loved by white Evangelical Christians. Could you make this stuff up?

It all has to go. At least finally the GOP is clearly exposed for what they are. What they are willing to go along with. They’re insulting kids who are grieving their murdered friends for the love of God, how low can you even possibly go? We must remove them from office.

Why am I on about this? What energizes me this morning? How am I again shaken out of resignation and sadness, and again toward action and resolve, to try and help improve matters for humanity and our sweet and only earth? What could possibly be the thing that inspires me so? Ladies and gentlemen, this:

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to the mid-term elections in November. I am looking forward to the elections because of the newly motivated and determined youth from Florida and all over this country and the world. I am looking forward to standing with them and the next generations behind them, as one by one they come of age and vote.

I’ve decided to stay on FB and Twitter during this period leading up to the election. After that I’ll revisit the question of whether I want to be the product in someone else’s mind-wrecking data-mining scheme.

Zuckerberg has a lot to answer for. I envision him getting a talking boil like Richard E. Grant in “How To Get Ahead In Advertising” (very funny and relevant movie, check it out). That would be fitting. Move fast and break things indeed. You broke some things, Mark.

I see some of my friends in FB have had enough, and are leaving. I fully understand. Depending on how 2018 mid-term elections go, I’ll stay or I wont. But I can’t leave now. Not with the kids showing up and using the social networks to organize and vote the NRA out.

I’ll do what I can to help offset the incessant noise of Russian bots and stupid trolls and idiotic wingnut propaganda. Because right and wrong are things, and the kids are right.  Their current activism is unprecedented and brilliant and we need to stand with them.

Move gracefully and fix things.

I'm With The Kids

Sometimes you just know there’s a shift going on. It may be hard to see all dimensions of the time we are living in, especially in times of great flux. Later in hindsight maybe we gather more understanding and say “A-ha, that is what was going on!”

Well in the third week of February, 2018, the youth of America decided to mobilize, and throw out the old greedy bastards who love money and guns more than they love children. This is what the kids are saying, I am just quoting them. Paraphrasing, rather. I agree with them. I am on their side. I think we should all be.

All they want, is to have their rights protected. Their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Do those items ring a bell? The entire GOP, and certainly also many Democrats, accept money from the NRA. Together, they work to deprive innocent young people of their lives. Their liberty. Their pursuit of happiness.

As such the kids standing up are patriots claiming their rights, and those who oppose them are simply in the wrong. Remember right and wrong? Those are things. The kids remember the concept of right and wrong, and the servants of the NRA apparently do not. Or if they do remember, then they have simply chosen to be evil.

Right and wrong. Good and evil. Choices.

I’m with the kids.