In Defense of In Defense of In Defense of Ska

And oh what fun we had

It’s been a few years since the first edition of Aaron Carnes’ unique and amorous history of Ska music and culture landed in the book-o-sphere. I recently ordered and received a copy of the expanded 2nd edition and yet I haven’t found the time yet to read it, what with work and creative endeavors and the apocalypse and things. SO! Delighted am I to learn that Aaron himself sat down and READ ALOUD the entire thing over several days of recording sessions to create, an audio-book. Now that’s my speed. We can now hear these stories as told by the author directly, and I applaud this fervently.

I recently listened again to the UpTones episode of the In Defense of Ska PodCast in which they interviewed myself and Paul Jackson. Apart from a few crunchy bits (there are always a few crunchy bits), it turns out to be my personal favorite, of the audio interviews we have done. In part because I learned some things, realized some things that I hadn’t really considered before, which become much more plain, in hindsight.

One rather humorous piece – neither Paul nor I, nor any of our bandmates, to my knowledge, were very aware of the up and down trends in ska’s popularity. We just always loved ska, it was never in question. But in 2002 when the UpTones played our first show in over twelve years, it turns out, I learned MUCH later thru Aaron’s work, we couldn’t have picked a less trend-observant moment to re-emerge!

Didn’t care then, don’t care now, in terms of our choice, it’s fitting, really, yet I do find it delightful. Puts some context to things. Why, for example, was this kid in the front row yelling, “YOU’RE SAVING SKA!!” at us? Flattered though I was, I wasn’t aware that ska needed any saving, and besides, what a responsibility! We carried on, played shows all the way through to 2018, with, again, some lineup changes along the way per our normal, finally winding down after the Albany, CA funfest I mentioned in a recent post here.

OH! And in that post, I was mistaken, there IS a poster for that Albany show, silly me, and I have it on my wall here as well. Another Paul original, and here is a photo of same:

While I abstain from predicting the future, that was the last UpTones show to date, and the obstacles to ever create another one seem insurmountable from here. So it goes, as Mr. Vonnegut would say. In an odd bit of prescience, the East Bay Express article by the same said Aaron Carnes before the above gig, quotes me as saying, “The Uptones have always been an outlet, letting some steam off and turning some suffering into joy and getting moving instead of getting immobilized by the situation,” Din said. “The way I look at it now is any show could be our last one. Or it could be the beginning of another round of shows. I tend to accept whatever it is.”

And accept it I do. Maybe the kid who yelled “you’re saving ska” is leading their own group, now! I rather hope so. Aaron is moving on from this epic project, after two editions and an audiobook, and dozens of podcast interviews with many of the players and characters involved over decades of ska’s unique and powerful history. He has defended ska, and defended it well, and as a fan and participant in this wild story, I tip my hat. Bon voyage on your next literary adventures, Mr. Carnes, and thank you.

Oh one more fun bit – my song Donkeyfish, now track 1 on my Poppin’ the Ska solo-ish album, is directly inspired by memories of all of the above.

All best,

Eric Dinwiddie
Ska fan

Originally posted at

So, what IS in a name?

Liking my name, this morning, in a peculiar way. Names, rather. Funny thing about “Eric” – I’ve never disliked the name, nor given it much thought, it’s my given name and I kept it. Had this odd moment this morning of actively liking the name. I like the sound of it, the two-syllabled simplicity. So, right, finishing my sixth decade of life and suddenly realize I like my name. Thanks, mom and dad, for the cool names! Names? Well yes, Roy being my middle name. Named after a buddy of my dad’s. Very rock n’ roll, that name, innit? Not only because Roy Orbison but also the sound of it. You can sort of rock the “Roy,” with a certain twang, or drawl. Dinwiddie, now we’re in the deep water. I love this name, now, but had to retire it for a time in my youth for a few distinct reasons. 1. Misspellings! Of every imaginable sort, routinely, comically. 2. Spelling it out loud for people over the phone, spending precious minutes of my life ‘splaining “No, there’s no L, that’s an I at the end, I am not Din Widdle! I mean I could be, but I am not. 3. I had this nickname, Din, which really started as my initials on guitar repair tickets when I worked at Subway Guitars in the late ’80s. There was another guy there with the initials E.D., so I just wrote Din to disambiguate myself. This took with my workmates and friends, and so Din and Eric Din I became. Only many years later, after my father passed, did I start to regret that a little bit. I don’t know if it bothered him or not, probably not, but losing him was quite a thing, and the surname, as something we share, gained some unexpected meaning for me. Surnames, surnames, I think if I were to do it again I’d be Kretzschmar-Dinwiddie, do the hyphen thing including my mom’s family name. Eric Roy Kretzschmar-Dinwiddie, now that would be fun to spell for people over the phone, wouldn’t it?

Amusements continue. I can’t get back into my FB account because the good gatekeepers of same say they can’t confirm my identity. Isn’t that so 2025? I’ve been on that platform since 2007 you see, as Eric Din, and when I sent my ID to confirm my me, they correctly observed that the name on my ID does not match. I don’t know how much time I care to spend trying to fix that, we’ll see, but I haven’t felt greatly motivated yet. Perhaps in part due to the many horrible aspects of FB and corporate electronic social networks generally, and what they have done to society. I left Twitter the day whatshisname took over, and I wished everyone else would. Now being in FB exile, I guess, my feelings about it are a little complex. I miss some folks there and indeed, some I will likely never again interact with in this life, absent that venue, just because it’s the only place where we were connected. So that’s real, and I don’t love that part. But at the same time, I’m sort of savoring this abscence. Odd as it sounds, FB had become something of a chore. I mean, as a recording artist and for my record label I want to have reach there, right? Well that’s harder than it used to be. Many of my music posts in recent years would fall flat, no response or very little, leaving me to wonder, is this just that people aren’t into my work, OR does it mean FB is not showing my music posts to my friends in their FB feeds? And being an emotional person, I have emotions around all that, and they are not entirely pleasant emotions, and I think, am I getting paid for this unpleasantness? No, they are. The UpTones’ page on FB still had some reach, but in the last few years we played live, we had to buy a “boost” for our gig announcements, whereas earlier everyone who had followed us there would see our posts organically. Waaaay into the weeds on this I am, so I’ll step out. It’s a weedy thing, this dystopian hot mess. And somewhat shocking to me is how much the social networking fracas has influenced my songwriting. Quite a many of my songs over the last ten years or so are directly informed by these conflicts and contradictions.

Michael Valladares really nailed it some years ago, when he said regarding an early social network (Friendster, was it?), “Let me tell you about my me.” As sort of a catch-all for what a social profile is, for a person. My Me. I found this delightfully funny, and it stayed with me even though I don’t remember the exact context of our conversation. Let me tell you about my me.  Well social networks go kablooey eventually it seems, and here I am, back in my faithful WordPress site, saying let me tell you about my me.

Here’s some photos, of me, at Gilman this last Saturday, caterwauling at Peter Montgomery’s b-day bash. It was rad, the whole event.

As for my names, I’m keeping all of them.

Photo creds: Larry Lynch

Orwell said there might be trouble

My songs definitely turn out to be a sort of journal, for me. I imagine they mean different things to anyone who hears them, like any song; The final product is in the mind of the listener, and no two people hear a thing quite the same way, I think.

1983, I wrote one morning with a laugh since as the song says, I live in 1983. To a certain extent it’s true. My musical tastes and songwriting vocabulary were pretty complete by the time I was 18, and I haven’t changed much, fundamentally, since then. I heard many years ago that most people spend the rest of their lives listening to the records they liked in their youth, and I thought, oh that’s awful, I don’t want to be that guy! Joke’s on me, I’m that guy. Somewhat. I mean, I hear a lot of new music in my creative and professional lives, but what comes out of me, the music I spontaneously create sometimes, seems largely rooted in my teenage brain.

“Juliet in black jeans” is an actual person, Juliet Harris, high school classmate, fellow rocker and one of the most original and stunning rock star individuals I ever had the pleasure to know. She died earlier this year, and I attended a memorial for her in Live Oak Park, organized in part by our mutual dear friend Peter Montgomery. I’m playing a short acoustic set at a birthday party for Peter this January 11, I’ll share the flier below, and I figure I’ll include 1983 in my caterwaulings.

“Never going one more year, Orwell said there might be trouble” cracked me up when I wrote it, and wow, what does it mean now? Too much, I think, I can’t quite fathom it. What have people done? They know not, methinks.

I have abandoned mainstream news sources (if mainstream even means anything anymore), I just don’t need to follow the play-by-play at this time. I know the big headlines and that’s enough. I had this sense, a few weeks ago, an idea, that the smallest pieces of local news are just as significant if not more so, than the hideous firehose of idiot shit we are asked to consume. A cat, napping blissfully in the sun of a bookstore window, matters more to me. Imagining the cat’s experience, or that of a dog gleefully playing as they do, gives me joy. I read Heather Cox Richardson every few days, and occasionally Dan Rather and a few others. The comedic satire of Jon Stewart and friends doesn’t connect with me at the moment, much as I love them, for reality has become satire again. People, a great many people, chose absurdity in its ugliest form, whereas I reject it. To some degree the world is as one sees it, and we do choose what we look at and listen to. I value my minutes in this life and will selfishly curate them. Somehow wrestling with these principles led me to write and record this:

And then somehow, without any wrestling at all, this song Donkeyfish emerged, and it turns out to be one of my own favorites of my work from this year, or maybe ever. It just burst forth, I had the idea and recorded each part once and bam, it was done before I knew it. I do labor hard on some songs, sometimes, and in some funny way I think my inner muse rewards me for those efforts by just handing me one, sometimes.

After this jaunt, I googled “Donkeyfish,” of course, and lo and behold, there is a Donkey Fish! Dermatolepis inermis. Also called the marbled grouper, mutton hamlet, rockhind, or sicklefish grouper. That’s a lot of names for a fish, or a donkey.

This many-splendored planet. I am glad to visit.

A Week Ago And Only Once

HERE is a scan of the set list I played at Ivy Room last Sunday. Blogging it as a memento, as it was a fun slice of life. Funny detail? I’ve started to use non-cursive print lately, along with my usual BLOCK LETTERS. With a pen, mind you, these ancient instruments.

I’m scheduled to play a set for Peter Montgomery’s 60th birthday party, at Gilman, in January, with a luminous cast of luminaries. Here’s the flier for that, as created by Peter himself:

And good morning

Busy Busy Having Fun

Hey, I’m doing a solo set opening for Psycotic Pineapple! Deets:

I released a Schlager! It’s here:

And I’ve been keeping up somewhat on my mewsletter, which I invite you to follow here:

I bought the postcard stamps for my 200 get out the vote postcards via TurnoutPac, yesterday, and that was rather thrilling, actually 🙂 What are you doing to ensure a Blue Wave?  Let’s get it, y’all!  That’s all, I gots work to do, Happy Caturday <3

Swaps, Uptones, and Various Ugly Things?! Why yes, Petunia

In which we share Down Home Music’s newsletter! Here it be:

Swaps, Uptones, and Various Ugly Things

The Down Home Music Parking Lot record swap meet. Sunday, July 30th, from 8am to 12pm. 10341 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito. For further info contact JC at 510.525.2129. No entry fee. No sellers fee. Weather pending. All things audio: vintage LP’s, 45’s, 78’s, stereo gear, amps, instruments, and more…
PS. Not to be confused with our 2nd Sunday 45/78 swap.

Eric Din from the Uptones will play his
first show in eons, at Down Home Music
on Saturday, August 12 at 2 P.M.

We Now Carry Both Retro Garage UGLY THINGS & Futuristic Art HI-FRUCTOSE Magazines


We Are Beginning to Feature Rare Vinyl LPs from Mr.Chris’s Personal Collection in Our Store

Visit Our Online Store:

Down Home Shindig

About a year ago I visited Down Home Music for a wee panel-ish discussion with author Bill Kopp, on his fab 415 Records – Disturbing The Peace book tour. After the event, the good folks at Down Home asked me if I’d like to come in and do a solo set sometime, and sure enough, that’s what I’ll be doing this August 12 right around 2PM.  We’ll have a flier for this soon I think, and I’ll share it up on the accursed socialnets then, and for now, here it is on a wee down home bloggy post. Pop on in, say hi, it’s free! On a Catursunday, no less.

7-22, Updating with flier 🙂

Misinformed single is now available and we are tickled

Log rolls downstairs, alone or in blogs..

Hey! I haven’t written here in a while, and I’m excited to pop in and share a few items this morning.

I just released a new song called Misinformed. It’s on Bandcamp now and will hit the streaming contraptions in about a week.

This is the first track on my CONTENT album, which has an official release date of August 1, a CaturTuesday. Why a few months out? So we can release some singles in advance of it and have some fun putting some light on a few individual songs before publishing the whole kaboodle. So here’s an ask – (“ask” is a noun, now, I’m dealing with it..) – my ask is that you give ‘er a listen and if you dig it, buy or share it or both. Elaborate, no? This is our marketing strategy. YOU are our marketing strategy. And regardless of any of it we send you big kittycat love on this auspicious Caturday.

On August 12, also a Caturday, I’m singing a few songs from both my STREET PARTY and CONTENT albums, at Down Home Music in El Cerrito, around 2PM. I’ll be doing this solo, with an acoustic guitar, perhaps telling a yarn or two about my creative journeys and whatever comes to mind, we shall see, and y’all are invited to pop in and join me. The good folks at Down Home will have copies of both albums on CD available for sale, for any CD-inclined cats among ye. We’ll call it my book tour, even though, it’s not a book. It is content, however, I can confidently say.